International amateur kumdo association is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit founded in 2019. Our diverse community of 500+ people is dedicated to promoting Kumdo and its many benefits. 

  • We work to provide free public classes for children with disabilities to learn of the benefits of Kumdo.
  • We support expert Kumdo masters to provide educational seminars and workshops.
  • We organize local, national, and international Kumdo competitions.
  • We work with local recreation centers and schools to provide seminars as a means to educate the public about Kumdo.

Who We Are. What We've Done

Through working with local community organizations, We "Friends of Kumdo" work to provide free public classes for children with disabilities to learn of the benefits of Kumdo.

Friends of Kumdo works with local recreation centers and schools to provide seminars as a means to educate the public about Kumdo.









Mission Statement

To strengthen communities by sharing and promoting Kumdo with its numerous physical and mental health benefits.

Vision Statement

Spread Kumdo through working with local community organizations to share Kumdo through programs, organizing tournaments, and hosting seminars.

Core Values

• High ethical, transparent business practices are essential for success

• Altruism and service to our communities

• Integrity

Our Goals

• To provide programs that through Kumdo help up to 30 individuals annually with ADHD, autism, obesity, or other mental health conditions (i.e. depression).

• To organize international Kumdo tournaments.

• To support seminar/workshop to provide opportunity to learn from experts.

• To support creation of periodic Kumdo publication.



Owns a longest standing chain of organic grocery stores that serves the underserved parts of Washington, DC. He also volunteers as a certified ski patroller. He holds 4th degree black belt in Kumdo. In his free time, he enjoys fishing, skiing, and spending time with his grandchild.

Dong Soo kim


With an extensive background of over 20 years in kumdo practice, coupled with a steadfast commitment to his Christian faith, he exemplifies unparalleled devotion to both the martial art and the welfare of children. His aspiration is to mirror Christ's love and compassion in his interactions with young individuals.



A pharmacist based in MD, who possesses a second-degree black belt in Kumdo. Alongside his professional commitment, he cherishes precious moments spent with his family and finds fulfillment through his participation in Kumdo classes.

Our Mission

Friends of Kumdo, Kumdo for Better strives to share Kumdo and its many benefits this will help people live healthy, active, long, productive lives to help others and defend from the ills of society leading to increased peace and prosperity for all. We believe that Kumdo can be a way to promote better health, better communities, better country, and ultimately a better world- Kumdo for Better.


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